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Fungal Biology coverFungal Biology is an international scientific journal and devoted to many aspects of fungal biology including biochemistry, biodeterioration, biotechnology, cell biology, developmental biology, disease control, ecology, environment, evolution, fungal physiology, genetics, genomics, geomycology, insect pathology, medical mycology, molecular genetics, mutualistic interactions, physiology, plant pathology, secondary metabolites, taxonomy and systematics, and techniques. 

Fungal Biology is published by Elsevier.  Senior Editors: Prof Simon Avery (University of Nottingham, UK);  Prof Geoff Gadd (University of Dundee, UK); Prof Nicholas Money (Miami University, OH, USA)

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Fungal Biology ReviewsFungal Biology Reviews  aims to publish reviews from all fields of fungal biology, whether fundamental or applied, including fungal diversity, ecology, evolution, physiology and ecophysiology, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, cell biology, interactions (symbiosis, pathogenesis etc), environmental aspects, biotechnology and taxonomy. It covers all organisms that have either historically or recently been recognized as fungi, including lichen-fungi, microsporidia, oomycetes, slime moulds, straminipiles, and yeasts. 

Fungal Biology Reviews is published by Elsevier.  Senior Editor: Dr Jan Dijksterhuis (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands) and Dr Irina Druzhinina (Fungal Diversity and Systematics, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK)

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Fungal Ecology coverFungal Ecology has a broad scope and publishes articles on all aspects of fungal ecology, including: population dynamics; adaptation; evolution; role in ecosystem functioning, nutrient cycling, decomposition, carbon allocation; ecophysiology; intra- and inter-specific mycelial interactions, fungus-plant (pathogens, mycorrhizas, lichens, endophytes), fungus-invertebrate and fungus-microbe interaction; genomics and (evolutionary) genetics; conservation and biodiversity; remote sensing; bioremediation and biodegradation; quantitative and computational aspects - modelling, indicators, complexity, informatics. 

Fungal Ecology is published by Elsevier.  Editor-in-Chief: Dr Benjamin Wolfe (Tufts University, MA, USA). 

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Field Mycology coverField Mycology provides high-quality articles for field mycologists and conservationists. It aims to provide content for both the beginner and the knowledgeable field mycologist. Although the articles are principally about British fungi, the publication also includes articles concerning many other countries of the world. The articles are often accompanied by photographs, particularly of poorly documented species. 

Field Mycology is published by the British Mycological Society (previously published by Elsevier until 2021). Senior Editor: Geoffrey Kibby.

Find out more about Field Mycology

Fungal Interactions 113.jpgFungal Interactions was an open access, international journal launched in November 2022 and published by Elsevier.  Production ceased in August 2024. Senior Editors: Dr Matthias Brock (University of Nottingham, UK); Prof Geoff Gadd (University of Dundee, UK); Prof Angel Medina-Vaya (Cranfield University, UK).

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