Berkeley Award

The BMS Berkeley Award recognises an outstanding original scientific contribution to mycology by researchers at an early stage of their career.

The award commemorates the contributions of the Rev. M. J. Berkeley (1803-1889) to mycology.  An award of £1000 is made for scientific contributions that are supported by published papers or papers accepted for publication. Recipients are at an early career stage, normally within five years of permanent appointment. The winner of the Berkeley Award is invited to give a lecture at the next BMS Annual Scientific Meeting, where the award will be presented.

Making a nomination

Nominees may be drawn from any nation and need not be members of the BMS.  Nominees must be proposed and seconded by two current BMS Members, supported by a brief statement and / or CV describing their achievement.

Nominations should be sent by email to and will be forwarded to the BMS Fungal Biology Research Committee for consideration.


Angel Medina- Vaya - Berkeley Award 2021









Angel Medina-Vaya, winner of the Berkeley Award in 2021


Previous recipients of the Berkeley Award include:

  • Angel Medina-Vaya (2021)
  • Duncan Wilson (2019)
  • Elizabeth Ballou (2018)
  • Alex Brand (2010)
  • Steve Bates (2009)
  • Mathew Fisher (2006)
  • Paul Dyer (1999)
  • Geoffrey M.Gadd (1990)
  • Lynne Boddy (1989)