Field Mycology - Volume 25(3) August 2024
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 99: Tricholoma arvernense - Geoffrey Kibby
- Hydropus inopinatus -a new species described from the UK - Penny Cullington
- Take your auger out with you! - Caroline Hobart
- Drawing and painting fungi - different techniques - Geoffrey Kibby
- Inocybe griseovelata - with or without caulocystidia? - Andy Overall
- Mallocybe batrachiorum (Inocybaceae) a new species found in wet habitats - Charles Aron, Ditte Bandini & Bernd Oertel
- Psathyrella kellermanii: a little known and under-recorded species- Sandra Bell, Mike Harrison & Eric Janke
- A puzzling, perhaps undescribed Conocybe from a plant pot - Graham Mattock
- Ophidiomyces ophidiicolain in Britain, the cause of ophidiomycosis (snake fungal disease) - Steven J.R. Allain & Tony Leech
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- Book Review: "The Powdery Mildews (Erysiphales) of Britain & Ireland - an Identification Guide and Census Catalogue for Wales." Woods, R.G., Chater, A.O., Evans, D.E., Smith, P.A. & Stringer, N.
Field Mycology - Volume 25(2) May 2024
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 98: Butyriboletus fechtneri – Geoffrey Kibby
- Bedfont Lakes Country Park, a phoenix from the ashes – Andy Overall
- Contemplating Navels – Moira Bruce
- A new host, Anthoxanthum odoratum, for stripe smut Ustilago striiformis in Britain – Paul A. Smith
- Tricholoma batschii - some recent records from Hampshire – Graham Mattock & Eric Janke
- Above- and below-ground detection of Phellodon secretus, a tooth fungus new to Britain - Matt Wainhouse, Andrew P. Detheridge, Gareth W. Griffith, Alexandra Dombrowski, Roseina Woods & A. Martyn Ainsworth
- Another site faithful fungus - Jo Weightman
- Long-lived fungi, continued - Peter Shaw
- Fungal oddballs - Tony Leech
- Entoloma vindobonense - a shore Pink Gill - Andy Overall
- Russula lapponica: first British records - Helen Baker & the Grampian Fungus Group
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- New Books: Microscopy & Fungi - Marcel Lecomte; Studying the Discomycetes from initiation to advanced levels - René Dougoud
- Fungi in the news - some recent articles on fungi
Field Mycology - Volume 25(1) February 2024
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 97: Hygrophorus persoonii – Geoffrey Kibby
- Gerhardtia cf. borealis a species new to Britain – Francisco Verenciano
- Rare, new and interesting fungi from the Cairngorms – Mario Tortelli, Geoffrey Kibby & Claudi X. Soler
- Like buses – an encounter with ‘Cystoderma’ – Jo Weightman
- Spores in the air - can we catch them? – Keith Thomas
- In memoriam - Chris Yeates
- DNA barcoding reveals Agaricus ornatipes - a new fungus for Britain from west Wales - David Harries & Trevor Theobald
- Stand and deliver - fungi of Hounslow Heath - Andy Overall
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- Book Reviews: Mushroom Foraging Guide 2023, Foraging Pocket Guide 2020 and Foraging Field Journal 2020-2023 - all by Wild Food UK; The genus Psathyrella s.l. by Leif Örstadius
Field Mycology - Volume 24(4) November 2023
- Editorial
- Obituary: Dr Audrey Sybil Yelland - John Holden
- Fungal Portrait No. 96: Xerocomellus cisalpinus and some lookalikes – Geoffrey Kibby
- Entoloma jennyae new to Great Britain – Pauline Penna
- Smuts on the water: the British status of Tracya hydrocharidis and a report of T. lemnae, new to Britain – A. Martyn Ainsworth
- Russula diversity in NE Scotland – Helen Baker, Andy Taylor, Toni Watt & the Grampian Fungus Group
- Puccinia ferruginosa, a second rust on Artemisia vulgaris in Britain – Chris D. Preston, David J. Harris, Julia Kruse & Nigel Stringer
- Coccomyces delta new to Britain with a brief synopsis of other British species – Brian Spooner & Fay Newbery
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- The first British record of Neofavolus suavissimus - Peter Cowling
- Index to Vols 23 - 24
Field Mycology - Volume 24(3) August 2023
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 95: Amanita submembranacea – Geoffrey Kibby
- A study of Agaricus in Pembrokeshire reveals three new taxa for the UK – David Harries
- DNA-confirmed records of Cortinarius epipurrus and C. hirtus – Tony Leech, Mike Ball, Steve Judd, Gill Judd, Tony Moverley & Yvonne Mynett
- Martin Gregory obituary – Bruce Ing
- Naucoria amarescens - a new record for Hampshire – Graham Mattock
- Spring fungi 2023 – Andy Overall
- Ever been had? – Tony Leech
- St. George’s Mushrooms…and more in Holyrood Park, Scotland – Britt A. Bunyard
- Some results from an eDNA survey of grassland fungi in Monmouthshire – Jon Dunkelman
- Some long-lived fungi in Kent – Joyce Pitt
- Plectronidium magnoliae on leaves of Magnolia grandiflora, a conidial fungus new to Britain – Brian Spooner
- Mycena picta, a seldom-recorded species new to Cornwall – Finley N. Hutchinson
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
Field Mycology - Volume 24(2) May 2023
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 94: Two burnt site specialists: Hebeloma anthracophilum & Pholiota carbonaria – Geoffrey Kibby
- Hygrophorus marzuolus new to Britain – John Bingham
- Observations of Hertfordshire fungi in 2022 – Kerry Robinson
- Antrodia carbonica and beginner’s luck – Jo Weightman
- Hydropodia subalpina a peculiar agaric in ordinary disguise – Richard Fortey
- When Russula species crack up – Penny Cullington
- Further cracks in the cuticle – Mario Tortelli & Geoffrey Kibby
- Edgcumbe Park - Cornwall’s most important waxcap grassland? – Richard Penny
- Galerina esteveraventosii new to Britain - Andy Overall
- Thaxterogaster monaensis recently described from Anglesey - Charles Aron
- Mycena dasypus rediscovered after 30 years - Penny Cullington
- Readers’ Finds
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- New Books: Edible Fungi of Britain and Northern Europe – Jens H. Petersen
Field Mycology - Volume 24(1) February 2023
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 93: Lactarius citriolens – Geoffrey Kibby
- Hunting for the identity of a Hydropus species found in Buckinghamshire and Hampshire – Penny Cullington, Mike Harrison & Eric Janke
- Xylaria cinerea: growing evidence of rapid coastal spread - Alick Henrici
- A newly discovered rust on Soleirolia soleirolii – Chris D. Preston, David J. Harries & R. Nigel Stringer
- The advance of Plicatura crispa in southern England – Graham Mattock
- Two relatively new British Grisettes: Amanita fulvoides & A. dryophila – Andy Overall
- Peronospora galegae (Peronosporales) new to Britain and other pathogens of goat’s rue (Galega officinalis L.) in Britain – Brian Spooner & Fay Newbery 23
- The use of human senses in the identification of mushrooms III – Jonathan Cabazonne
- Pseudoboubovia benkertii, a new discomycete from Anglesey and new to Britain – Charles Aron
- Notes and Records – Alick Henrici
Field Mycology - Volume 23(4) November 2022
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 92: Mycetinis alliaceus – Geoffrey Kibby
- Splashes of blood in the Isles of Scilly – Pauline Penna
- Mycenella trachyspora on roadside verges – Robert Skipper
- Better late than never – the Leicestershire Fungi study Group’s Millennium Year Project - Geoffrey Hall
- The use of human senses in the identification of mushrooms part 2: touch – Jonathan Cazabonne
- Demystifying Hebeloma - Peter Bartlett, Henry Beker, Ursula Eberhardt
- Dead wood saves the day – Andy Overall
- Exciting finds on a Scottish adventure – Mario Tortelli, Geoffrey Kibby, & Claudi Soler
- Fungi on a living and then dead elm tree - Graham Mattock
- Wormwood Scrubs: an unexpected mycological treasure trove - Geoffrey Kibby
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- New Books: Snippets of Mycological History – Heino Lepp; The Incestuous Sex Life of Budding Yeast resolved to DNA Level – Ken Adams
Field Mycology - Volume 23(3) August 2022
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 91: Three bleeding Mycena species – Geoffrey Kibby
- Hydnum reginae newly described from Britain – Geoffrey Kibby & Kare Liimatainen
- Didymium vernum, a second Butterbur inhabiting myxomycete in the UK – Jurgen Nieuwkoop
- Puccinia cyani and Peronospora agrostemmatis, parasites of hosts sown in wild-flower mixes - Chris D. Preston
- Forty years of Amanita inopinata – Alick Henrici
- Readers’ Finds
- Caloboletus kluzakii newly recorded from Britain (or will the real C. radicans please step forward) – Geoffrey Kibby & A. Martyn Ainsworth
- Lepiota coloratipes – an agaric new to Britain – Richard Fortey
- How bioluminescent fungi helped restore my mental health - James Scurry
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- Book Reviews: The Fungi of North East Wales – Bruce Ing; A Guide to Waxcaps in West Wales – David Harries
Field Mycology - Volume 23(2) May 2022
- Editorial
- Fungal Portrait No. 90: Inocybe lacunarum – Geoffrey Kibby & Mario Tortelli
- DNA barcoding reveals three Rhodocybe species new to Britain– Nick Aplin, Penny Cullington, Brian Douglas & Eric Janke
- Two collections of Ramaria aurea redetermined as R. atractospora – Graham Mattock, Geoffrey Kibby & Antony Burnham
- Fungi Royale at Bushy Park - Andy Overall
- Hohenbuehelia tremula - a rarely recorded species – A. Martyn Ainsworth
- Meruliporia (Serpula, Leucogyrophana) pulverulenta: an overlooked saprotrophof hollow oak trunks with a stronghold in Windsor Great Park – A. Martyn Ainsworth & Kare Liimatainen
- Xylobolus subpileatus, an alien new to Britain – Kerry Robinson
- Crustoderma fibuligerum - a notable corticioid new to Britain – Sue Rogerson & Alick Henrici
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- Urocystis on Ranunculaceae in Britain – Bruce Ing
- Book Reviews: The Lives of Fungi. A natural history of our planet’s decomposers – Britt A. Bunyard 71; The genus Cortinarius in Britain – Geoffrey Kibby & Mario Tortelli
Field Mycology - Volume 23(1) February 2022
- Editorial
- Fungal Portraits No. 89: Rhodophana nitellina – Geoffrey Kibby
- The importance of vouchers: Cuphophyllus atlanticus in Britain – Richard Fortey & Stuart Skeates
- Turn over the leaf litter - Joyce Pitt
- A new British record from a railway station near Slough - A. Martyn Ainsworth, Brian Douglas & Richard Wright
- Gerronema: known in Britain? - Alick Henrici
- Roger Phillips 16 Dec 1932 – 15 Nov 2021, a personal reflection - Geoffrey Kibby
- Plasmopara muralis, a downy mildew on Parthenocissus (Virginia creepers) has arrived in Britain - Chris D. Preston
- Russula camarophylla new to Britain - Pauline Penna & Geoffrey Kibby
- Entoloma viiduense - a striking species new to Britain - Andy Overall
- Readers’ Finds
- Two books for your foray bag - Mike Cruse & Archie McAdam
- Some interesting fungi found in the Winchester, Hampshire area during 2021 - Graham Mattock
- Fungi in Churchyards - a request - Stefan Buczacki
- Notes and Records - Alick Henrici
- Book Review: I Funghi Clavarioidi in Italia Vols 1 & 2 - Paolo Franchi & Mauro Marchetti
Back issues from 2021 and before
Back issues (digital copies) of Field Mycology published by Elsevier in 2021 and before can be accessed for free here: