Events & Resources
Use the menu to find out about the following:
Programme of all BMS events - including BMS Talks, field meetings, the open meeting and annual scientific meeting - plus a selection of other, international events of interest.
The Society's journals, published by Elsevier, are available to BMS members at a discounted rate: Fungal Biology, Field Ecology, Fungal Biology Reviews. A new, open access journal Fungal Interations was launched in 2023. The journal Field Mycology is published by the BMS; digital copies are free to BMS members.
English names for fungi
A working party - formed in 2005 after the publication of the Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota (CBIB) - develops and maintains a list of common English language names for fungi.
The British Mycological Society and it members have published a large number of keys to fungi injournals and occasionally in the publications of other societies. These keys are accessible to all.