West Midlands Fungus Group

Contact: Lukas Large
Email: westmidsfungi@gmail.com 

. https://westmidsfungi.weebly.com/     +    https://www.facebook.com/groups/562482594860055/







The Aims of the West Midlands Fungus Group are to:

(a) record the fungi of the West Midlands

(b) encourage an interest in the importance of fungi in everyday life, wherever possible

(c) develop a greater understanding of fungi through forays, talks and workshops open to members of the group

(d) increase the awareness of fungi through contact with local members of both professional and amateur groups which have environmental interests

(e) promote the conservation of fungi and of threatened habitats of rare fungi.

The areas of Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire that fall within the boundaries of Birmingham and the Black Country. VC 37, 38 and 39